Thursday, June 30, 2011

Re-Create the Discovery System Mailbox

According to Re-Create the Discovery System Mailbox:

'Multi-Mailbox Search uses a system mailbox to store discovery search metadata. This Discovery system mailbox has the display name SystemMailbox{e0dc1c29-89c3-4034-b678-e6c29d823ed9}. Because system mailboxes aren't visible in the EMC or in Exchange address lists, they are rarely deleted inadvertently.
However, if the Discovery system mailbox is deleted accidentally, discovery managers will be unable to perform discovery searches or manage existing discovery searches. In this case, to enable discovery functionality, you must re-create the Discovery system mailbox.'

My comments:
However, the Discovery Search Mailbox has not been created after re-creating the Discovery System Mailbox. To create the Discovery Search Mailbox:

enable-mailbox discoverysearch* -Discovery

1 comment:

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