The following options are available to change the language of the default mailbox folders after mailbox initialization:
1. User runs Outlook with parameter: outlook.exe /resetfoldernames
2. User changes default folder language from within OWA: Options, Regional Settings, Rename default folders so their names match the specified language
3. Admin (Exchange 2010 only): Set-MailboxRegionalConfiguration mbx -Language xx-XX -DateFormat "d-M-yyyy"-LocalizeDefaultFolderName:$true
Language examples: nl-NL, en-US
Some time ago I did a GroupWise to Exchange 2007 migration with Quest Migration Manager for Exchange. I ran into one issue:
I had created 1000 mailboxes in one Exchange database which would be accessed with Outlook 2007 Dutch client. Before starting the mailbox migration from GW to E2K7 I distributed the mailboxes over 4 E2K7 databases with a mailbox move.
After migrating a mailbox I saw english mailbox folders under Outlook 2007 Dutch client. The following happened: move mailbox process created new mailboxes and moved the contents from the empty source mailbox. This resulted in default english mailbox folders. The solution was simple: first create mailboxes and distribute them directly over the 4 databases. Then perform mailbox migration from GroupWise to Exchange. Then access mailbox with OL 2007 Dutch client: only Dutch mailbox folders.
I've tested a mailbox move with Exchange 2010 SP1:
1. Create mailbox (no access with OWA/Outlook)
2. Move mailbox to another database
3. Access mailbox with Outlook 2007 Dutch client: default mailbox folders in English language
4. Set-MailboxRegionalConfiguration mailbox -Language nl-NL -DateFormat "d-m-yyyy"-LocalizeDefaultFolderName:$true
This step can be performed while Outlook is online and results in default mailbox folders in Dutch language.
Very nice!