MS has released Exchange 2013 CU9. Prepare Active Directory and domains is not required when upgrading from CU7 or CU8.
AD Versions table:
AD Versions in my lab env after installing Exchange 2013 CU9 with /PrepareSchema & /PrepareAD (ADSI Edit):
Schema naming context:
AD Versions table:
AD Versions in my lab env after installing Exchange 2013 CU9 with /PrepareSchema & /PrepareAD (ADSI Edit):
Schema naming context:
- CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=demo,DC=lan
- Properties CN=ms-Exch-Schema-Version-Pt
- rangeUpper: 15312
Default naming
- DC=demo,DC=lan
- Properties CN=Microsoft Exchange System Objects
- objectVersion: 13236
Configuration naming
- CN=Configuration,DC=demo,DC=lan
- CN=Services
- CN=Microsoft Exchange
- CN=MailOrg
- Properties CN=MailOrg
- objectVersion: 15965