Monday, August 19, 2013

Exchange 2013 CU2 Error: Windows Failover Clustering isn't installed

I installed two Mailbox Servers and created a DAG. No problems adding first server to DAG.
However, got an error while adding second server to DAG:
A server-side database availability group administrative operation failed. Error The operation failed. CreateCluster errors may result from incorrectly configured static addresses. Error: Windows Failover Clustering isn't installed on 'ex2013-server'

I got this error from both EAC and EMS. Actually, Windows Failover Clustering should be automatically installed when adding a DAG member.

  1. Windows PowerShell: install-windowsfeature failover-clustering
  2. Add second DAG member again

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Microsoft Exchange Health Manager service does not start automatically

I installed two new Exchange 2013 servers (1x CAS & 1x MBX) with latest CU2 (build 15.0.712.24).

Issue: Microsoft Exchange Health Manager service does not start automatically after reboot.

Event Viewer System log:

Event ID:      7000
Level:         Error
The Microsoft Exchange Health Manager service failed to start due to the following error:
The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.

Event ID:      7009
Level:         Error
A timeout was reached (30000 milliseconds) while waiting for the Microsoft Exchange Health Manager service to connect.

No problem manually starting Microsoft Exchange Health Manager service. When you set the service to ‘Automatic (Delayed Start)’ it starts fine after each reboot.

I've posted comments at describes that recreating Health mailboxes may solve this problem. Recreating the Health mailboxes doesn’t fix the problem. Service has not been started after reboot. However, after some time (10-15 minutes) the service starts automatically.

So, this still seems to be an issue because the Exchange Health Manager service has not been started automatically after a reboot (only after 10-15 minutes).

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Exchange 2013 Management Shell: The WinRM client cannot process the request because the server name cannot be resolved

After installing Exchange 2013 CU2 on a server it was not possible to start Exchange 2013 Management Shell.

Cause: someone configured a proxy with no exceptions

netsh winhttp show proxy:
Proxy Server(s): proxy.contoso.local:8080
Bypass List: (none)

netsh winhttp set proxy proxy-server="http=proxy.contoso.local:8080" bypass-list="*.contoso.local,<local>"

Note: Use "<local>" to bypass all short name hosts.